What We Did
On the 12th of September 2018 following a feasibility study, a team of participants from BFF visited the HGSGH to donate relief materials to fistula patients as a part of its mandate in obliterating and easing out the hardships of Obstetric Fistula patients. It is no news that social and psychological support is a major area of deficiency in the care of fistula patients.
Following interactions with the Fistula patients and the managing team of the HGSGH, we knew there is no going back on this cause. Mario, a 50-year-old woman had been living with VVF for 35 years while trying to deliver her ?2nd child in a hospital. Amidst tears and a sullen face with visible years of chronic emotional pain, she tells her story of immediate divorce from her first marriage, several hospital appointments and surgeries, marriage, and recurrent abandonment. The weight loss and nocturnal leakage of urine continue. Mario says she has since then given up and accepted hers as a test from God.
This was the start-up project coinciding with the inauguration of the foundation, which has since then, been relentlessly executing its mandate on Advocacy, Sustainability, and Rehabilitation of Fistula patients